Friday, 24 August 2007

Pile Of Bikes

Millportloco, the crazy courier bike race/convention/pubcrawl came to Glasgow the other weekend. This is the scene outside the pub in Glasgow's westend where they all converged and the playing card is actually my race ticket. Yup, I took part in my first ever fixed race, a 5 lap Keirin the wrong way around Park Circus at 11pm. I came a VERY solid last place. Those guys were crazy. Wana see who won? The results are here.

Friday, 10 August 2007

Monster Bike

Perfect for the alpine passes of Bath Street and smoothing out the ride over sleeping policemen and unconscious drunks.

Saturday, 4 August 2007

My Fixed Wheel

My Fixed Wheel taken in Gourock. The sixty mile (aprox) round trip to here is about the limit of my fitness at the moment. There is no rest on a fixed!

Friday, 3 August 2007


Don't know what this is but I like it.